Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Playing UNO the five year old way.

So, I suppose I should give a little background before I get into this story. I am home from BYU-Idaho on my off semester working at a daycare close to my house.  Towards the end of the day we start to combine classes and just play games for the last hour.  And management has encouraged us to be more interactive with the kids.  Well, some of the Pre-K kids wanted to play UNO, so we did.  They picked up on the rules real quick and understood that.  What really got me was how they played the game.  The following conversation ensued:

(By this point, their hands had grown to like 15 cards in each of their hands)

Me: "Okay, do you have a yellow card?"

Lilly: (Name has been changed): "I dunno.  Let me look".  (Proceeds to spread out cards on table like so)

Me: "Well what about a 6?  Do you have that?"

Lilly: "Just a second. (Proceeds to re-spread out cards) Yes!"

Me: "Okay. (Turning to Alex) Now you can play any blue card or with another 6."

Alex (Name has been changed): "Well it's hard for me to look through with all my cards"


Lilly: "Here Alex.  Just do this."  She proceeds to assist him in spreading his cards out all across the table until they do indeed find a blue card.

And that's how the game proceeded. And I didn't cheat. But I had to suppress a laugh once or twice.

They would be so good at poker.

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